The Foundation "General Ștefan Gușă" was established in 1997. It is a non-profit organization, without profit-making purposes, and political, religious, or other affiliations. The foundation's mission is to carry out activities aimed at supporting the study and cultivation of fundamental national values that have animated the entire military career and constitute defining traits of the personality of General Ștefan Gușă. To this end, the foundation supports scientific and cultural activities to explore the truth in the contemporary political and military history of the Romanian people, highlighting the role of the army in crucial moments of national evolution, educating young generations in the spirit of respect for the distinctive values of national culture and their integration into the European cultural-historical framework.
To fulfill the mission assumed, the foundation’s activities are mainly focused on:
Supporting education at all levels:
In 2004, with the exclusive contribution of the foundation, the middle school and kindergarten were inaugurated in the locality of Spătaru, where over 120 children from the area study.
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Under the protocol concluded with the Ministry of National Defense, through the General Directorate of Human Resources Management, the foundation grants scholarships and awards to students from high schools, schools for military masters, and higher education institutions with a military focus. Each year, the top students from each educational institution are awarded, and scholarships are given to children with good academic results but with financial difficulties. At the proposal of each military high school, a girl and a boy who have achieved excellent academic results are awarded a trip to Italy each year. This allows them to enjoy the cultural and tourist attractions offered by Milan, Venice, or Florence.
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Additionally, the foundation supports excellence in educational activities, continuous training, and scientific research of teachers, by awarding the Prize for Scientific Research in the field of national security to a researcher or teacher from the National Defense University “Carol I”.
Editing and publishing of memoirs and military history works
Among the literary works that have benefited from the foundation’s support are award-winning works recognized as the most valuable historical works of the respective period. Also, with the foundation’s support, book launches and presentations have been organized at military institutions, military circles, libraries, or civilian institutions.
Participation in the organization and conduct of scientific sessions and conferences (“100 years since the birth of Ștefan Odobleja”; “Trends in the development of cybernetics in the third millennium”, etc.), support for lecture series on military history for students at the Land Forces Academy, support for the organization of the National Session of Scientific Communications of student circles from the History Faculties, etc.
Renovation and partial upgrading of educational institutions, such as the Protocol Hall and marble slabs at the Military School of Application for Tanks and Automobiles “Mihai Viteazul” in Piteşti or the Reading Room “General Ștefan Gușă” at the Library of the National Defense University “Carol I”, renovated and equipped with furniture, lighting, air conditioning, and computer equipment by the foundation.
Throughout its existence, the Foundation has also provided financial support to projects unrelated to the military or historical sector, with a social character, such as the construction of a modern complex consisting of a social dormitory, a health center, and a church, carried out by the Congregation of Benedictine Sisters in Măgura, in support of lonely and needy elderly individuals.
Grupul Drăgan a luat naștere în anul 1948, odată cu înființarea ButanGas SpA în Italia. În prezent activitatea Grupului Drăgan este coordonată de Veroniki Holding, structură unică de coordonare, fondată în acest sens, în anul 2010, de către doamna Daniela Veronica Gușă de Drăgan.
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